Now Playing:
Нынешний финансовый кризис привидёт к микрочипу, Метке антихриста, 666 !
  (click on the "Download" and another page will open where you are able to listen to the recording. On the same page right-click with the mouse on the player and select the option "Save as...")
Вознесенье будет до, или после большой скорби?
  (click on the "Download" and another page will open where you are able to listen to the recording. On the same page right-click with the mouse on the player and select the option "Save as...")
Ложные учения на сщёт вознесение церкви, потверждённые библией
  (click on the "Download" and another page will open where you are able to listen to the recording. On the same page right-click with the mouse on the player and select the option "Save as...")
Как  получить чудесное исцеление Исуса Христа?
  (click on the "Download" and another page will open where you are able to listen to the recording. On the same page right-click with the mouse on the player and select the option "Save as...")